Thursday, February 28, 2008

St. Andrews Church

St. Andrews Church- A wellspring of hope for the youth of the Lisbon Avenue Community. Community Garden located south of St. Andrews promotes a vision of urban Beauty and inspiration, of what a community can evolve to. The most important part of a community is it’s people, their talent and skills; through hard work and dedication streets can evolve to community. One of the most overlooked resources of a community or group of streets is children, if within them you can cultivate, idealism, respect, pride in the community, work ethic and dedication, they will cultivate and grow a real community. Though often than not, things happen, people move, that sense of commitment will remain, and we will be better for it, as a people, as Americans. St. Andrews church offers many things for the young, most of which is long lasting stability, Care, and loving, respectful guidance. By participating in L.A.N.D, the church is ensuring that the needs of the community and the kids is being satisfied, ensuring a safer future for this evolving community.

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